Julius Muange is available to take personal and group lessons in Spoken Swahili throughout the Nairobi area. Over a period of 25 years, Julius has developed comprehensive and functional courses in Spoken Swahili that encompass beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. He has taught Spoken Swahili to people from many countries.
In Swahili, the time is measured from sunrise to sunset (daytime) and sunset to sunrise (nighttime). This is primarily because most Swahili-speaking countries are on the equator, and the times for sunrise and sunset are almost identical year-round.
Learn how to say some common phrases used in daily life in Swahili. Prepare for your visit to Kenya and other Swahili-speaking countries in East Africa.
How to call some of the natural features in Swahili, such as mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, hills, rocks, oceans, streams, valleys, waterfalls, and more.