Spoken Swahili Blog

Common Farm Animals in Swahili

Farming and agriculture are big industries in East Africa. The following are some of the farm animals.

Paka (Cat)

Cat - Paka
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A: Angalia Pale! (Look there!)

B: Unaona nini? (What do you see?)

A: Ninaona paka. (I see a cat.)

B: Paka anafanya nini? (What is the cat doing?)

A: Paka anapiga miayo! (The cat is yawning!)

Animals you see on Safari

Safaris are the biggest tourist attractions in East Africa. The following are some of the animals you see on safari. There are some conversations to assist you with vocabulary and grammar.

Simba (Lion)

Simba - Lion
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Q: Unaona simba? (Do you see the lion?)

A: Ndiyo, ninaona simba. (Yes, I see the lion.)

Q: Simba anafanya nini? (What is the lion doing?)

A: Simba anapumzika. (The lion is relaxing.)

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