Common Fruits in Swahili

fruits - matunda
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The following are the Swahili translations of some common fruits found in East Africa.

FruitTunda , FruitsMatunda

Tofaa (Apple)

Singular: Tofaa
Plural: Matofaa

Parachichi (Avocado)

Singular: Parachichi
Plural: Maparachichi

Ndizi (Banana)

Singular: Ndizi
Plural: Ndizi

Cheri (Cherry)

Singular: Cheri
Plural: Cheri

Nazi (Coconut)

Singular: Nazi
Plural: Nazi

Tomoko (Custard Apple)

Singular: Tomoko
Plural: Matomoko

custard apple - tomoko
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Tende (Date)

Singular: Tende
Plural: Tende

date - tende
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Zabibu (Grape)

Singular: Zabibu
Plural: Zabibu

Pera (Guava)

Singular: Pera
Plural: Mapera

guava - pera
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Fenesi (Jackfruit)

Singular: Fenesi
Plural: Mafenesi

jackfruit - fenesi

Limau (Lemon)

Singular: Limau
Plural: Malimau

Ndimu (Lime)

Singular: Ndimu
Plural: Ndimu

Embe (Mango)

Singular: Embe
Plural: Maembe

Chungwa (Orange)

Singular: Chungwa
Plural: Machungwa

Papai (Papaya)

Singular: Papai
Plural: Mapapai

papaya - papai
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Passioni (Passion Fruit)

Singular: Passioni
Plural: Passioni

Njugu (Peanut)

Singular: Njugu
Plural: Njugu

Pea (Pear)

Singular: Pea
Plural: Mapea

Nanasi (Pineapple)

Singular: Nanasi
Plural: Mananasi

Plamu (Plum)

Singular: Plamu
Plural: Plamu

Komamanga (Pomegranate)

Singular: Komamanga
Plural: Makomamanga

pomegranate - komamanga
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Rasberi (Rasberry)

Singular: Rasberi
Plural: Rasberi

Stroberi (Strawberry)

Singular: Stroberi
Plural: Stroberi

Chenza (Tangerine)

Singular: Chenza
Plural: Machenza

tangerine - chenza
Picture Source:

Tikitimaji (Watermelon)

Singular: Tikitimaji
Plural: Matikitimaji

watermelon - tikiti maji
Picture Source:

Julius Muange
Julius Muange

Julius Muange is available to take personal and group lessons in Spoken Swahili throughout the Nairobi area. Over a period of 25 years, Julius has developed comprehensive and functional courses in Spoken Swahili that encompass beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. He has taught Spoken Swahili to people from many countries.

Articles: 18


  1. Strawberry is stroberi/forosadi, custard apple is tomoko/stafeli, avocado is parachichi/pea, pear is peazi and passion fruit is karakara/pasheni . Addition: baobab fruit is ubuyu and tamarind fruit is ukwaju.

  2. Vilma asks what a loquat is called in Swahili. It is sambia. Concerning Mbugua\’s question, do you mean the Mediterranean or the African locust bean? The first is called karuba and the second nienzi or lopa.

  3. Pongolani says:

    The correct swahili word for peanut is karanga and not jugu.

    I disagree with Pongolani on referring to peanut as karanga. People fry peanut and when it is fried, it is called Njugu Karanga (Fried Peanut). With time some people dropped the Njugu part and started referring to the fried peanut as karanga when buying. The seller would understand that they mean fried peanut. Karanga became common and people just started referring to peanut as karanga. Therefore, those who did not grow up during the time when fried peanut was properly called njugu karanga continued calling peanut karanga instead of njugu. If you do not have this background you may assume that it is called so. Karanga simply means fry while Njugu means peanut.

  4. Njugu mawe is totally a different item from njugu. And also when the peanut is inside its pod we call it njugu nyasa

  5. I have truly never heard of Njugu Mawe in my entire life. In Tanzania at least in Dar es Salaam, if you say Njugu mawe it might really confuse someone. It is almost like you\’re asking for stones in your raw peanuts.

  6. Or rather like you\’re asking for \’stone hard peanuts\’ swahili is a very poetic language, a metaphor can easily be taken literally.

  7. 1) Njugu are raw peanuts and roasted Njugu are called Karanga;
    2) Njugu Mawe are nuts roasted but extremely hard to chew and eat. We used to buy these from the vendors who sold Karanga roasted / bolied, bisi (popcorn) and Daria (roasted chick peas; and
    3) I would like to know what Khungu/Makhugu is called in English and its botanical name.

  8. Kungu is Indian Almond . The tree is or9hinslly from India.
    Zambarau is Java Plum .it is also originally from Asia.

  9. I saw a picture of a big green fruit. A Kenyan told me he only knows The swahil name of it which is Vene. Does anybody here know this fruit and also know it english Name.

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